A Look Inside buddybrand’s Hip Berlin Office
buddybrand, a German-based digital agency that helps brands understand and execute total digital transformation, recently opened its new headquarters in Berlin.
“Together with Vitra we managed to create a working space that totally fits our needs as an agile agency – no fixed desks for our staff and personal boxes instead of big moving storage units to reduce unnecessary stuff and private havens. Our daily business is shaped by flexible team constellations to the best possible ideas and projects for our clients. Therefor our ‘buddies’ (staff) are able to create new teams for projects every day, based on the necessity of different specialists and talents. That’s why we introduced flexible desks for everyone to create a more self-sufficient working behaviour and enviroment. Finally, to respect our roots as a startup we integrated timbered shelfs and bench-like seating options. This handmade parts are the perfect addition to the stylish Vitra elements to create a representative office, that is liked by our clients and, most important, by our staff. Because happy and satisfied employees create happy and satisfied clients”, said buddybrand
- Location: Berlin, Germany
- Size: 5,400 square feet
- Design: huelleundfuelle
- Photos: Christian Male