Inside Marsh & McLenann’s New Buenos Aires Office

Inside Marsh & McLenann’s New Buenos Aires Office

Risk and insurance management company Marsh & McLenann hired architecture firm Felipe Russo to design their new office in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

“As the corporate landscape evolves rapidly, a company’s ability to adapt and innovate is not only a competitive differential, but a vital need. Felipe Russo Arquitetura is pleased to have been a key partner in the strategic transformation of the offices of Marsh & McLennan Companies, starting with our pioneering initiative in the EZ Towers building in São Paulo. This project not only exceeded expectations, but also established a new concept for the company’s work environments, inspiring changes in the other branches of the world, including Buenos Aires, where Felipe Russo Arquitetura was the developer of the layout.

This success story illustrates the power of a well-designed workspace, which leverages organizational efficiency, promotes the well-being of employees and facilitates expansion and adaptation to new market dynamics. Through a careful approach to spatial distribution and the implementation of accurate metrics, we have been able to create an environment that not only stimulates innovation, but also reflects and reinforces the culture and values of your company.”

Breakout space
Collaborative space
Collaborative space
Breakout space
Breakout space
Breakout space