Inside Private Insurance Firm Offices in Crawley

Inside Private Insurance Firm Offices in Crawley

Private insurance company workplace design firm Oktra to design their new office in Crawley, England.

The Crawley office draws inspiration from Madrid’s successful adoption of a modern work model. Using Madrid as a benchmark, the new space reflects the same forward-thinking design. Featuring open-plan layouts alongside private phone booths, the design supports a variety of workstyles, creating an environment that fosters both teamwork and individual focus.

A welcoming first impression

We designed the reception area, a key aspect of the workspace, with high-end materials and sleek finishes to make a memorable first impression. Seamless LED lighting sets the tone for the workplace, while Crittall glazing preserves an open, connected atmosphere. Glass manifestation adds privacy where needed, fostering a culture of transparency. This thoughtful design combines functionality with aesthetic appeal, creating a reception that is both welcoming and versatile.

Bespoke design

Wellbeing was at the heart of the new workspace design. A dedicated retreat room, multiple teapoints, and biophilic elements, including a living moss wall, bring nature indoors to create a calming environment. Paired with bespoke acoustic rafts and vinyl walkways, these features shape a workplace that enhances both employee happiness and productivity.

A space for growth

Located on the seventh floor, the new Crawley space is designed for a forward-thinking company. This space inspires, supports, and motivates teams through a blend of biophilic design, high-end finishes, and flexible layouts. The result is a workspace that embodies the insurance firm’s commitment to innovation and adaptability in a rapidly evolving world.

  • Location: Crawley, England
  • Date completed: 2024
  • Size: 16,000 square feet
  • Design: Oktra
Collaborative space
Meeting space / Collaborative space
Open-plan workspace
Meeting room
Open-plan workspace
Working pod / Reception
Private workspace
Open-plan workspace