Newest Offices
A Tour of Hedge Fund Offices in London
A London-based hedge fund recently hired workplace design firm Oktra to...
A Tour of Bennett Thrasher’s New Atlanta Headquarters
Bennett Thrasher, a public accounting and consulting firm helping companies with...
Inside Fourfront Group’s Sleek London Office
Fourfront Group, a UK workplace specialist consisting of companies Area, 360...
A Tour of Wearable Technology Company Offices in San Diego
A confidential wearable technology company recently hired architecture and design firm Perkins+Will, to...
Inside Infinum’s Modern Zagreb Office
Infinum, an independent design and development agency focusing on web &...
Behind the Scenes of WeWork’s Washington D.C. Coworking Campus
WeWork, is a global coworking company that leases out offices to...
A Peek Inside Forest Holidays’ New Moira Office
Forest Holidays, a British company that allows people to book and...
A Tour of Korbicom’s Sleek New Cape Town Office
Korbicom, a software company focusing on software development and subsequent commercialisation...
Inside Motorpoint’s Cool New Derby Office
Motorpoint, a car supermarket, with 12 showrooms across England, Scotland and...
A Look Inside Arrowgrass’ Modern London Office
Arrowgrass, an alternative investment firm that employs a non-siloed, multi-strategy investment...
Inside Blanco’s Sleek Tel Aviv Office
Blanco, an Israeli advertising agency that specializes in projects from varied...